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Medical Colleges  Private Medical Colleges in Bangladesh



Bangladesh is a developing country burdened with a huge human cargo , is uniquely placed to harness her human resource potential to the benefit of its people throught effective restructing of the existing health care delivery system with major shift towards primary health care approach.

Mainamoti Medical College is a Private Medical College . Establishment of such an institute will assist mobilization of solving national problem through develovment for solving national problem through basic & applied research and by encouraging self - reliance in population . This program will give a good profile of talents of both male & female student in technical field by proving their better performance in medical edication in aa separate environment for the graduates who can give more time in this field.

The Aim of this Medical College & Hospital is to teach selected cadidates for five academic years according to the syllabus laid down by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council ( BM&DC ) for MBBS degree to be a conferred by Chattagram Mdical University, Bangladesh and then impart training of closely supervised internship for one year to create high quality career as doctor for nation.

- To promote and provide studies in medical science leading to recognized graduate and post graduate degree.
- To conduct research work on the diseade prevalent in the country.
- To conduct research on medical education with the aim of raising the student of medical education in the country.

Eligibility is as Follows:
a) Students who have passed SSC in 2016 and HSC in 2018 0r 2015 and 2017 respectively and should have total GPA 9.00. (minimum requirement of GPA in SSC or HSC IS 3.50)
b) All tribal students and residents of Hilly District who have passed SSC in 2016 and HSC in 2018 or 2015 and 2017 respectively and should have total GPA 8.00. ( minimum requirment of GPA in SSC or HSC is 3.00 )

Admission Process
Director General of Health Service of Government of Banglaseh has conducted a central written admission test at national level . to find out eligible candidates for admission on the government and non-goverment medicl colleges for the session 2018-2019 . They have published a merit list for eligible cadidates . Those who will apply from this list to get admission in Mainamoti Medical College will be selected by college authority according to their merites.

Facilities Available in the College:
- College has a library with an excellent collection of latest books monographs , journals magazines and Newspaper. The libary of college has internet initiative.
- Separate coommon rooms for Male & Female student with television, indoor games and entertainment. Facilities are available for outdoor games and tournaments . Sports and others extra curricular activities are actively encouraged.
- A good canteen for student as well as for teachers is available in the campus.
- Separate hostel facility for both boys and girls.
- The teachers of the college are dedicated lot, laboriously fulfilling their duties,always put in that extra effort and time when students ask for out of schedule help.
- Majority of the directors of the college are themselves specialis doctors and teachers in other medical colleges . They all give their time and energy to coach the students regularly . A good number of professors from other reputed Government Medical Colleges are also involved in teaching to make Mainamoti Medical College a model one.

About Fortune Education Consltancy

Fortune Education Consultancy is an authorized representative of Bangladesh Medical Colleges in India and offers free counseling and professional guidance to indian medical students

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