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Medical Colleges  Private Medical Colleges in Bangladesh



Monno Medical College and Hospital
I am delighted to welcome the candidates seeking admission to Monno Medical College. Monno Welfare Foundation has established Monno Medical college to develop outstanding clinicians according to core competencies of patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning, communication, professionalism, and system-based practice. A unique combination of longitudinal mentorship, resident collegiality and patient-centered care provides a supportive environment that serves as the foundation for career advancement, scientific development, practice opportunity and leadership for a doctor. Medicine is a rewarding career; however , a doctor involves in a lifetime learning, both formally and informally. There are a large number of specialty career paths in medicine-with lot of career options available, a doctor is assured of finding a suitable career. The options may include; a surgeon, a physician, a cardiologist, a psychiatrist, a medical researcher or a public health physician to name a few. I hope one day the graduates of Monno Medical College will serve the ailing humanity all over the globe, by excelling in the medical field and bring laurels to their motherland. Our mission is to serve the health needs of Bangladesh by educating health care professionals to the highest international standards and stimulating innovation through research.

Medical science is challenging, exciting and dynamic. Countless new discoveries are making their impact on medical practice, and doctors or new generation will see even more dramatic change in future with the development of many new therapies, involving not only drugs, but also treatments arising from research. A number of skills and attributes have been identified that are considered the ‘core values’ of doctors: like, Competence, Integrity, Spirit of enquiry,Confidentiality, Responsibility, Caring, Advocacy,Compassion, and Commitment etc.

I wish them a bright academic career and continued professional success in the years to come. May Allah bless you all.

Late H.R Khan Monno
Former Honorable Chairman
Monno Group of Industries
Monno Welfare Foundation & Governing Body Monno Medical College


For admission of Foreign students, existing Government of Bangladesh (GoB) rules will be followed. Total tuition fees for 05 (five) years equals to USD 42,000.00 (US Dollars Forty Two Thousand only).These fees for the foreign students include accommodation in the MoMC Hostel.

If a foreign student wants to cancel admission, he/she may get refund of the part of the admission fees paid, only if he/she or the respective country agent replaces another eligible student in his/her place within stipulated time or decision to be taken after a discussion with the MoMC authority, the agent and parents of the student.

Note 1:

Admission fees and all other fees except clinical session fees must be paid in full at the time of admission for a session or according to the scheduled instalment as mentioned in the first offer letter given to the concerned student. All payments made at the time of admission are non-refundable. If a student wants to cancel admission, he/she may get refund of the part of the admission fees paid, only if the student or the respective country agent replaces another eligible student in his/her place within stipulated time after a decision to be taken on a discussion with the college authority, the agent and the parents of the student.

Note 2:

Failure of payment of instalment within due date will result in penal charges to be decided by the college authority. For delay of one month in payment of dues, the name of the student will be struck off from the attendance register. If any student fails to pay these dues for three months, his/her admission will be treated cancelled- in which case, re-admission will be required on payment of USD 500.00 (US Dollar Five Hundred only) as re-admission fee.

Note 3:

Any changes in the admission rules should be followed according to order of the Government of Bangladesh.

Note 4:

These fees are for a tenure of 5 years MBBS course. In case a student fails to complete the course within the 5 years (60 months) tenure due to his/her own reason(s), he/she will have to pay an additional six months’ tuition fee and hostel fee of USD 800.00 (US Dollar Eight Hundred only) for each term of six months.

Note 5:

If a student wants to perform his/her Internship Training at Monno Medical College Hospital, he/she have to pay USD 2250 (US Dollar Twenty Two Hundred and fifty only) before beginning the clinical classes.

About Fortune Education Consltancy

Fortune Education Consultancy is an authorized representative of Bangladesh Medical Colleges in India and offers free counseling and professional guidance to indian medical students

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